The deadline for the first draft of the poster has now passed.
The new deadlines are below - see your film and poster booklets for more details.
Deadline 2: POSTER
Editing of short film continues to deadline, plus blogged decisions and explanations (see booklet on main task)
At least 3 real poster analysed per student, using the 5 areas applied in lessons, and linked to your own process and ideas wherever possible.
Poster design continues in photoshop and indesign
Friday 18th March: short film final deadline (see main task booklet)
Sunday 20th March: first group draft of poster to appear on blog (1 per group)
Final FILM Deadline Four: FILM Editing
Final edit completed, with no further time being allocated
On the group blog by the deadline below:
- frequent posts explaining the editing process, aims, techniques, decisions, choices and any reasonable difficulties experienced with technologies. Use terms wherever appropriate
- audience feedback on the finished film (use the areas listed for questions in unit G325 to help you focus on questions to your audience) – gathered via the blog, social networking sites and other means, and recorded on the blog
- the finished film uploaded via youtube to the blog
- further research and planning for the 2 Ancillary Tasks (see later advice on this)
Friday 18th March