Many of you have a great deal to do before the Friday deadline! If you miss this deadline, you will lose marks for planning, as very few people would have an acceptable reason for being late. Most people are not doing enough work out of the classroom - this is an A Level, and you are expected to do around the same number of hours outside the classroom as inside.
Make sure that decisions and choices are blogged carefully, with illustrations, and all members are expected to take part.
Your finished film needs to be within about 10 seconds either way of 5 minutes. Under 4 mins 50 secs would risk losing marks. Do not however pad unnecessarily - if more footage is required, it must have purpose and be creative.
What you will need to do:
Foleys - either use Garageband or record your own using our sound recording equipment.
Music soundtrack -
Go to the royalty free page and browse by mood or genre - couldn't be easier.
What you need to do:
- return to the storyboard where you should have worked out a plan for the design and placement of the titles
- check that the design of title matches its design for the poster - remember it's a brand!
- carefully edit it in relation to images - it would be unusual to place on a black screen - DO NOT USE TITLING TO 'PAD OUT' YOUR FILM LENGTH! THIS WON'T WORK!